Who Am I?
At the start of her final year of college, Brittany Gunther feels she’s absorbed the breadth of a liberal arts education by becoming a “jack of all trades but master of none.” Yes, Brittany has embraced much of what her college has to offer. She is a collegiate athlete in both field hockey and lacrosse, two sports which her ever-supportive parents watch with exasperation due to their lacking any understanding of the rules. Brittany doesn’t just exercise on the athletic field but can also be found dancing in the studio. Brittany is an enthusiastic performer who loves to dance, sing and frequents the stage in theatrical productions.
In spite of her love of the spotlight, Brittany is not a social butterfly. She tends to be a very introverted person who hates crowds. She attends extracurriculars with enthusiasm, but in her free time generally prefers spending her time at home with her family, maybe an occasional friend, or in solitude. To her, a weekend where she has to leave her house is a weekend wasted. Brittany is also a strong perfectionist. This is reflected in her grades, which she agonizes over.
Brittany is a Human Society Major, which is just a fancy way of saying she studies history and some other stuff. She also is an English Minor largely due to her love of reading and stories. Brittany has her fingers in many different fields, but what is most important to her is her family. Brittany is the youngest of six kids, though being a twin, she has to share that title. Her family is very close and silly and she wouldn’t trade it for the world. Brittany is grateful that she has had so many opportunities and is able to be involved in so much. With this the world is her oyster and she can do anything, but she isn’t quite sure where to start. For now, she’d prefer to just finish college and ignore the oyster. She never much liked seafood anyway.