Okay so starting out the story let me just give you a little background info so you can fully appreciate the incident.
First of all when I was younger I really looked up to my sister Bronwyn, and was generally pretty nice to her and would do things like clean our room to make her happy and help her scoop the dog poop in the back yard when she only paid me a penny but she got a whole dollar for it. So basically, I was the ideal little sister. I was super sweet, pretty much an angel child.
Another thing you will need to know is that Bronwyn is like 7 years older than me, but when I was younger we shared a room for a little while even though I was like 8 and she was in high school. In spite of this gap it wasn’t a problem because we got along pretty well and well I was an angel who cleaned and made Bronwyn’s bed for her so that may have helped.
A third somewhat irrelevant thing is that my sister’s nickname is Booboo and I still call her this too this day. I just want you to know because I want to be able to write Booboo without there being some confusion of who the heck that is.
Now to the actual story which is actually very short and simple for that long preamble.
Well one day I had to wake up Bronwyn/Booboo because my parents asked me to. Now we had bunk beds and she was on the bottom bunk so I kneeled next to the bed and very peacefully tried to wake her up saying, “Booboo it’s time to get up,” and other such things.
Well Booboo in her sleepy just woken up state came up with a hilarious idea. She decided it would be super funny to just randomly punch me in the face.
So that’s what she did.

Yep. Totally out of the blue my beloved sister just decked me strait in the nose. I don’t think it was that hard, but I was super shocked. I fell back and just said an indignant “Owe?”
How could Booboo have done this to me?! I was the little angel sister.
Well according to her it wasn’t nearly as funny as she had envisioned.
One thing I have always said is that Booboo is super nice and awesome except when she’s grumpy then she’s terrible. Maybe this was a just a part of that. I don’t really know but it was super weird.
What’s even more weird is that I had totally forgotten about this incident until my sister brought it up a few weeks ago. I guess for whatever reason I blocked the experience out of my mind, but when she told me about it it all came rushing back.
Really it was just so weird! Have you ever woken someone up and just been punched in the face for it?! Probably not!
These days I’ve been hit in the nose many many times playing sports in college from taking elbows to the nose, to getting hit in the nose by field hockey balls, lacrosse balls, and lacrosse sticks, but I thought I had never been punched in the nose before. Well turns out I was wrong. I don’t know if a sleepy punch when I was a kid should really count but I’m counting it anyway. Also just for the record, my nose is just a little bit sensitive from all the abuse though I have never broken it *knock on wood!*
The moral of the story is don’t trust your heroes. You can do tons of stuff for them, but it won’t stop them from punching you in the face if they think it’s funny. Also when waking someone up do it from a safe distance. Throw pillows or other non-dangerous objects at them and shout. It won’t be as nice of a wake up call, but you will be protected from unexpected punches.
I have been punched in the face exactly once. I was trying to get a drunk friend to get in the car and leave a wedding reception and she hauled off and punched me in the face. I was so mad *I* got in the car and tried to convince our friend who was driving to leave her behind. We didn't. But that's how I felt in that moment--probably as surprised and bewildered and for me, furious.