This is Basically just where I'm at at the moment in case you were wondering.

What I’m into I wasn’t 5 years ago:
Watching YouTube. I definitely watched videos here and there but nothing regularly, but these days I often watch YouTube more than actual TV shows.
What I hope to be into/doing in 5 years:
I hope to have a relatively stable job in 5 years maybe teaching and or coaching.
My current favorite song/songs:
I Think I’m Okay by Machine Gun Kelly, Youngblood and Travis Baker
Binge watching:
I impatiently wait every week for Ace of the Diamond and Dr. Stone to release new episodes (though that’s not binge watching...) I’ve also watched a lot of DanPlan recently.
Who/What I am fascinated by:
-celeb: I’m fascinated by how celebrities have the nerve to get old and look different from how they did in the movies I know them from. Like Bill Murray for instance got so old! He was supposed to always look like he did in Ghost Busters and Groundhog Day and all those. I guess celebrities try with all the surgical injections of plastics and other foreign substances into their faces though this usually just makes them look like monsters. Then you have people like Jennifer Aniston who clearly has made a pact with some demonic force to avoid aging or something. I don’t believe it’s really from those skin care products she advertises.
-news: I’m fascinated by how much I dislike it.
-personal: I fascinate myself all the time. I’m the best so everything in my personal life is clearly fascinating.
-craft/hobby/sport: I love field hockey and lacrosse. I also love reading and art and am fascinated by how amazing manga artists are. They put in so much work for something it take two seconds to read. I also enjoy creating silly little crafts like I used to knit bracelets with toothpicks and thread a couple years ago and that sort of random thing.
Topics that I’m chewing on when my mind is quiet:
The idea of starting a YouTube channel with my brother and friend and or a podcast with my sister. I also ponder what it would be like to be out of school which sometimes can be nice to think of in a theoretical dream sense but also can make me feel super stressed out about the uncertainty of the future.
Go to outfit:
All of the college sports gear I’ve been given over the past four year from t-shirts to sweats. My favorite sweatshirt, however, is a hand-me-down from my sister that is so worn out it has holes in it for the thumbs, but because of this I feel I have crossed the line too far into hobo territory to wear it out unless I really don’t care that day.
Favorite meal:
Thanksgiving duh! The entire holiday is literally dedicated to having an awesome meal.
What I want to tell myself 5 years in the future:
You’ve got this!
*Wild Card -$ What are you spending your $ on?
The last thing I spent money on was a Switch because I wanted to play Smash Bros and Mario Maker with my twin who lives in Mississippi, though turns out Mario Maker isn’t currently able to do long distance multiplayer though they “claim” an update is coming that will remedy this egregious oversite. Though I still had fun playing Smash together and Mario alone. I found that playing Mario Maker was fun to do while listening to an audiobook of my English reading. The game was somehow just the right level of involved where I could focus on the reading and not start day dreaming, but not so involved that I tuned out the reading to just focus on playing the game, so I don’t know maybe it was worth the large sum of money I wasted on it…
I like this glimpse into your life!