By Paulina Storck
So I’m Paulina, a current student athlete who’s spent the majority of my teenage years working my weekends away surrounded by my closest friends, making the greatest of memories and picking up some awesome lifestyle tips along the way. I’ve recently started blogging on ‘The Storck’s Nest’ and would love to have you check it out!
Trying to fit in with Britt’s amazing storytelling theme on her blog, I wanted to tell a story that has helped shape the person I am today… the time I met Joan Grande.
For anyone who is clearly not in the know (or maybe just not creepily obsessed with Ariana Grande’s family life), Joan Grande is the person that birthed the amazing human being I have come to admire and love: Ariana Grande.
Growing up, I followed Ariana while she was on Victorious. However, it was her song ‘The Way’ with Mac Miller that really hooked me into becoming a full on Ariana-fan-girl. I soon listened to her first album on repeat for months on end, and transitioned into her memorizing the second album soon after.
It was the middle of my freshman year when one of my good friends had asked me to go to an Ariana Grande concert with her… and I’m guessing you can guess my reaction. I was ECSTATIC! That’s all I could think about for the weeks leading up to the concert.
When it was finally the day of the concert, I was set on making this the best night ever… and it definitely did not disappoint. We had amazing seats in the low 100 levels and I had never had more fun in my life. The only other concert I had been to was a One Direction concert that I paid $20 for a ticket up in the nosebleeds for—so to have been this close to the stage, I felt like royalty. There was never going to be an event better than this one… or so I thought.
The following summer
Ariana was touring again
And I
The same friend and I bought floor seats months in advance, and I spent the beginning of my summer preparing for the best night ever. I walked into the concert knowing something amazing was going to happen.
Walking to our seats, we had realized they were better than we thought! They were directly next to the stage, like Ariana could literally talk to me if she wanted to… THAT’S how close we were.

The concert began and I was going crazy.
I was definitely the most annoying 15 year old girl in the entire place.
And then I spotted her. JOAN.
I could spot Joan Grande from a mile away because of how long I’d been following Ariana. Her countless Snapchat videos of her mom were always comical and I loved their mother-daughter relationship, so when I saw her, I completely lost my cool.
So I see Joan, and what’s the first thing my 15-year-old self thinks to do?
Because I couldn’t just admire her presence from a far, but I just HAD to take a picture so everyone knew that I met the creator of Ariana (ok I’m starting to realize how creepy this is sounding—sorry)

(That’s her—in the all black outfit!!!!)
So in the middle of Ariana performing ‘Break Your Heart Right Back’, I quickly yet sneakily made my way towards THE Mrs. Grande. I waltz right up to her as if I had known her for 5 years and say, “Mrs. Grande, can I get a picture PLEASE?!”
And her response is something I will never forget:
“Sorry, Ariana is performing.”
This woman is a legend. I would have never wanted to be rejected in any fashion other than in respects of someone’s talented daughter performing in front of thousands of people.
Like she really is so in love with her daughter and does not take an ounce of her talent for granted. She proceeded to turn her attention back to Ariana and sang her heart out.
I returned to my spot next to the stage and my friend was like, “so did you get a picture?!” I had to tell her no, but I was literally grinning from ear to ear because …I spoke to Joan Grande (if you didn’t know already)
And the rest of the night was beautiful and wonderful and I will never forget the feeling of watching Ariana Grande perform so close up and being rejected by her mother in the best way possible.
Lesson Learned: take in the moment and take nothing for granted. But if you see your idol’s mother, ask for a picture even if you think they’ll say no… because it’s still pretty cool when they say no :)
**Don't forget to check out Paulina at her blog 'The Storck's Nest'**